Kim Possible is an American animated television series about a teenage crime fighter who has the task of dealing with worldwide, family, and school issues every day. The show is fairly action-oriented, but also has a permeating light-hearted atmosphere and often lampoons conventions and clichés of the secret-agent and action genres.
Kim Possible is an American animated television series about a teenage crime fighter who has the task of dealing with worldwide, family, and school issues every day. The show is fairly action-oriented, but also has a permeating light-hearted atmosphere and often lampoons conventions and clichés of the secret-agent and action genres.
Team Possible
From left to right: Wade,. and Mrs. Possible, Ron, Rufus, Kim, Shego, Dr. Drakken, Monkey Fist, Señor Senior Sr., Adrena Lynn, Señor Senior Jr.
Kim Possible — The team leader, this red-haired crime-fighter who saves the world also tries to live a normal teenage life, dealing with everyday problems. She has been Ron's best friend since Pre-K, and has been his girlfriend since the night of their junior prom (Season 3). Naturally, her name makes reference to the word 'impossible.' Kim has faced many different foes and villains throughout her career. She has dealt with evil weather controlling machines, super fast growing grass and one time even being placed under mind control by her arch foe Doctor Drakken. Many of her villains also point out the clichés of villainy often saying it's old or classic. Kim's dialogue tends to be peppered with not-so-typical teen slang; for example, "So not the drama" and "No big", as well as the series' catchphrase, "What's the sitch?" (situation).
Ron Stoppable — Kim's best friend since Pre-K, partner, and now boyfriend; he also saves the world from time to time. His name is a play on the word 'unstoppable'. In one of the episodes on season 3 the show reveals by a series of flashbacks that Ron has a pants problem and can never keep his pants on.
Rufus — Ron's pet naked mole rat, considered a member of the team — in fact, he often proves to be more competent than Ron or even Kim on occasions.(When translated into Latin, Rufus means red-haired.)
Wade — The twelve-year-old super genius (completed high school and college in 8 months) who spends the majority of his time in his room (until the episode "Team Impossible" and soon after that in Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time). He runs Kim's website, supplies her with gadgets, assigns her missions, and arranges transportation for her. His last name is never revealed, though at one point in early development he was known as "Wade Load", perhaps a play on "Wide load", considering his being overweight.
Monique — A close friend of Kim. Although she has no special abilities, she has helped out on missions a few times.
See also: Minor allies in Kim Possible
Dr. James Timothy Possible — Kim's father, works as a rocket scientist.
Mrs. Dr. Possible — Kim's mother, a brain surgeon.
Jim and Tim Possible — Kim's genius but annoying twin brothers, often referred as the tweebs (twin dweebs) by Kim.
The Stoppables — Ron's family, composed of: father, mother, and adopted sister.
See also: Minor family members in Kim Possible
Recurring Villains
Dr. Drakken — The blue skinned arch-nemesis of Kim; originally "Drew Lipsky", a college classmate of Kim's father. He is obsessed with world domination, and believing and proving that he is a genius.
Shego — Drakken's hired henchwoman. She is arguably Kim's most persistent rival and perhaps even more dangerous than her boss. Her weapon of choice is her green glowing gloved hands which shoot a kind of energy beam. Originally, part of a team of superheroes known as "Team Go".
Monkey Fist — A man who is obsessed with the fighting style of Monkey Kung-Fu. His hands and feet are genetically altered resembling those of monkeys. Wherever he is, his monkey ninjas are sure to follow.
Duff Killigan — The self-proclaimed "World's Deadliest Golfer". His weapons of choice are his exploding golf balls.
The Seniors — Señor Senior, Sr. and Señor Senior, Jr. are foes who are incredibly rich. However, Jr. isn't exactly what Kim and Ron would call "dangerous". He doesn't wish to take over the world like his father wants to, Jr. only wants to be an international pop star.
Professor Dementor — A mad scientist. While he is a threat to Kim and the world, he is more determined to show up his rival, Dr. Drakken.
DNAmy — A breeder of living mutants who has a mild fetish for Cuddle Buddies. Her original aim as an evil geneticist is to make real life versions of her Cuddle Buddies, however hers are often much deadlier.
Killer Bebes — A group of hiveminded female killer robots. They were originally built by Drakken, but have since gone rogue.
Gill — The genetically-mutated foe of Ron.
Motor Ed — Cousin of Doctor Drakken. Notorious for his mullet haircut, and repetitive use of the word "seriously" at the end of his sentences. Also has a crush on Shego.
Camille Leon — Former actress and disinherited heiress, she underwent an experimental plastic surgery procedure that granted her shape-shifting powers.
See also: Minor villains in Kim Possible
Other minor characters
Bonnie Rockwaller — Kim's fellow cheerleader and rival.
Steve Barkin — Perpetual teacher of the school. It is revealed in the fourth season that he also works at "Smarty Mart".
Yori - Classmate of Ron at the Yamanouchi School and an ally of Team Possible. She has a crush on Ron, but took it well when she found out Ron and Kim were dating.
See also: Minor characters in Kim Possible Kimberly Ann Possible (usually known as Kim Possible) (voiced by Christy Carlson Romano) is the title character from Disney's animated television series Kim Possible
Kim debuted in the series opening episode in June 2002,[1] and starred in all 65 episodes of Season 1-3. She made her Season 4 debut in an episode broadcast exclusively over the Disney Channel website in February 2007, returned to Disney Channel on the 10th of February.[2]
Kim is a high school student and freelance hero/secret agent. She is mildly unusual in this field in that she has no secret identity - For the most part, her classmates are aware of her work but do not comment on it unless it affects them directly. At school, she is cast as one of the "popular kids," head of the cheerleading squad and a straight-A student, rather than as a misunderstood outsider/underdog.
Her first and last name is a take on the word "impossible". She is voiced by Christy Carlson Romano. A Disney's Behind The Ears documentary revealed that Kim's alsCharacter history
Prior to the start of season 1, Kim was an ordinary young girl leading an ordinary life. Wishing to supplement her allowance, she decided to start up a babysitting business and set up a website at "KimPossible.com", under the slogan "I can do anything", to advertise her services.
Soon after her site went live, Kim was contacted by a man named Mr. Paisley, a reclusive billionaire and stuffed animal collector from Upperton, who had become trapped in his own vault after accidentally activating a newly installed security system that had trapped him inside a grid of deadly lasers. Being a natural gymnast, Kim managed to somersault between the lasers to where the remote control was, and then deactivate them. Word of Kim's feat spread from there, leading to other people sending requests for help to her website. Ever since then, Kim has been traveling around the world as a freelance secret agent.[3][4]
Later (Season 3), it is revealed that Paisley's associate Mr. McHenry contacted Kim by accident, and that her first case was meant to have gone to "Team Impossible" - a group of high priced heroes for hire - but instead came to her due to a typo.[3] Despite this knowledge, Kim refused to become discouraged, and decided to continue in the hero business. As a result Team Impossible tried to sabotage Kim by offering free vacations to all of the people who transported her to missions, thus depriving her of her primary means of transport around the world. This scheme, however, failed when Kim, Ron, and Wade turned the tables on them.[4]
[edit] Personality
Kim is a confident and assertive teenager whose awareness of her own abilities is reflected well by her motto "I can do anything". Her typical state of mind is to be bright and cheerful, and she has a kind and caring heart that compels her to help others and to put their well being above her own, althogh she can be arrogant at times, especially when people appear to do things better than she can. Her competitive nature and drive for perfection, as well as some of her insecurities, are consistent with a Type A personality. They also lead her to set high standards for herself, and sometimes give her a tendency to be bossy and to set standards for others that are too high - as was evident when she attempted to coach her brothers' soccer team - or to try and do things herself in order to save others from potential failure or harm.[5][6][7]
Despite being a freelance hero, Kim is still a teenage girl, and is susceptible to most normal teenage insecurities and growing pains. She gets embarrassed by her parents, is pouty when she doesn't get her own way, and has a strong desire to fit in, the latter of which is often one of her biggest weaknesses.
Kim's personality traits were most clearly demonstrated when her school was hit by a fictional personality-guide fad known as animology, under which she is classified as being a blue fox: a born leader who can't resist a challenge, is driven to excel, and who is a perfectionist.[8] During the career fair at her school, Kim was drawn toward international diplomacy:[9] a demanding, extrovert field.
Kim has a tendency to be worried about - and frequently fooled by - appearance. As such, she is often overly concerned about her image and the way in which others see her, sometimes even going so far as to extend these anxieties to others (primarily Ron) even though they do not necessarily feel the same way.[10][11][6] Owing to this element of her personality, Kim has a tendency to succumb to peer pressure, something she never really manages to overcome until the very end of the third season, and she is often unable to see beyond first appearances, or deeper than other people's defense mechanisms.[12][11][13] It is this element of her personality which appears to form the foundations of much of Kim's rivalry with Bonnie, who is similarly competitive and similarly concerned about appearances,[12][13] and it is often through this rivalry that we see the less desirable elements of Kim's competitive nature in play, including incidents when she has engaged in tit-for-tat revenge or one-upsmanship, and when she has competed purely because she doesn't want Bonnie to succeed.[13][14]
Due to her type A personality, Kim also has a strong tendency to become frustrated, impatient or insecure when faced with a field in which she does not instantly excel. This tendency has been displayed several times throughout the franchise, usually in conjunction with an episode subplot or Mcguffin revolving around her social life, and is often made more notable by the fact that these fields are ones in which either the often inept Ron or the immature Tweebs excel. Examples of such fields include cooking[15] and video games,[16] car mechanics, and the duties required of her when she worked at Bueno Nacho during season 1.[10]
In addition to the recurring problems caused by her competitive personality and her weakness in the face of peer pressure, Kim has also demonstrated many of the weaknesses that have become cliché to teen-high school comedy/drama, most of which have been highlighted in individual episodes, but are not evident across the franchise as a whole. Such clichés include trapping herself in a position in which she tells an escalating series of lies in order to cover up a much smaller lie,[17] attempting to sabotage an opponent's campaign during a school election,[18] and allowing herself to be baited into angry or unwise courses of action by a rival.[19]
She is also very protective of her boyfriends or the ones she likes. She always stands up for Ron Stoppable, Josh Mankey (standing up against Ron's insults) and in the movie "So The Drama", she is more then willing to test out a very dangerous experimental suit to save her boyfriend Eric.
In So The Drama, it was confirmed by Drakken that Kim had a weakness for handsome boys, which Drakken exploited by creating the synthodroned Erik.
[edit] School
Kim is a naturally intelligent student who maintains a high GPA despite her adventurous lifestyle by using the time she spends traveling to and from missions to study, and by always making sure that she gets a handle on assignments as early as she can in case she is called away on a mission at the last minute.[20] As a result of these diligences, it is only on rare occasions that her grades suffer or that she has problems with assignments.[21] Despite her intelligence, Kim remains the least scientifically-minded member of her family, not understanding many of the terms and phrases, or inventions that her father and brothers build and use, for example, in the episode The Twin Factor, she immediately passes of her brothers invention of a handheld Silicon Phase Disruptor as a "stupid toy", or believeing that the Mind control chip in the same episode is "ferociously unethical". She also doubts her brothers' high intelligence, believing their early advancement to high school is the result of a mistake in the records, and is truly shocked when she discovers it's legitimate.
[edit] Abilities
Kim Possible cheering
Kim is extremely athletic and has excellent reflexes that have been honed through years of cheerleading practice (although in A Sitch in Time it can be seen Kim being a good fighter before being a cheerleader) , allowing her to perform death-defying moves, like somersaulting between laser beams, with little apparent effort.[3] She is also highly skilled in martial arts, knowing 16 types of Kung-Fu,[14] including Mantis Kung-Fu.[22]. Her skills are aptly demonstrated by the fact that she is able to go toe-to-toe against Shego, an older and more experienced villain whose super powers allow her to tear through reinforced concrete with ease.[17]
Kim is also a fast learner and is able to pick up new skills quickly, and adapt to new situations as they arise. Among the many talents that she has demonstrated during the series are a high level of proficiency in various extreme sports; such as hang-gliding, skiing and rock climbing, and even shuttle piloting.
[edit] Alternative Versions
Pre-K Kim
Pre-Teen Kim
Future Kim
As with many Disney Cartoons, Kim's physical appearance has remained static throughout the franchise and has not been changed between seasons to represent aging. However, several different versions of Kim have been introduced, at various points in the franchise, to represent Kim at different ages prior to her appearance in Season 1.
During the first 3 seasons, two younger versions of Kim were introduced. The first version to appear on screen was a Pre-school version, and the second was a version representing Kim in her early-teens/late-preteens.
Pre-school Kim was first introduced through flashbacks in the episode October 31st, and was later visited several times through Seasons 2-3. She made her first in person appearance in the feature length production Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time when she was targeted by a cohort of time traveling villains who sought to destroy her confidence during her first day in pre-school, in order to prevent Present Day Kim from thwarting their plans. Ironically, in an altered timeline that has since been erased, this intervention led to Kim stepping in to fight to save Ron for the first time, bringing about their first meeting outside the classroom and leading to their becoming friends.
Pre-School Kim is very similar to present day Kim, but with the addition of freckles and pigtails. When first introduced, she also lacked the confidence of her present day counterpart.
Early-teen/late-preteen Kim made her first appearance in the feature length production Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time. She was introduced when Kim's present day foes (Drakken, Shego, Monkey Fist and Duff Kiligan) traveled back through time on a mission to sabotage her first mission. Initially the villains planned to sabotage the mission in order to crush Kim's spirits; thus preventing her from ever becoming a teen hero. However, after a brief discussion, they decided to kill her instead. Early-teen/late-preteen was saved by the intervention of Present Day Kim and Ron. Due to the closing events of "A Sitch in Time", the timeline in which Early-teen/late-preteen appeared was erased, leaving Present Day Kim with no memory of meeting her past self, nor vice-versa. Since her initial appearance, early-teen/late-preteen Kim has appeared in several flashbacks, most notably during "Hidden Talent", which revealed that she was an excellent singer (but unable to hit high notes),[14] and in "Team Impossible", when the events of Kim's first mission were replayed, minus the intervention from the future (that timeline having since ceased to exist).[4]
At this point in her life, Kim is shorter and slimmer than her present-day self, and minus a bust line, but with the addition of braces. She is always shown with her hair in a ponytail.
An older version of Kim was introduced in an interactive featurette that was included in the DVD of A Sitch in Time. Little was revealed about Kim's older self, except that she was still fighting crime in her 40s, was a member of the PTA, and that she wears a patch over her left eye, ala Nick Fury. Older Kim is also shown wearing a Global Justice uniform similar to that worn by Dr. Director (who coincidentally also has an eye patch). As of Season 4, older Kim has not appeared in the series and her exact place in Kim Possible canon remains uncertain.
[edit] Family
[edit] Father
Main article: James Possible
Kim has a close, but diverse, relationship with her father. For much of the series he treats her as a mature and responsible young lady, expecting her to babysit her younger brothers, instructing her to get a part time job if she wants expensive new clothes, and accepting her going on dangerous missions without a second thought - believing that she is skilled enough to stay out of harms way. However, because of the closeness of their relationship, he sometimes forgets that she isn't a child anymore and treats her as if she were much younger, failing to see that she doesn't always enjoy doing the same things that she did when she was little, and not being able to see when his behavior might embarrass her.[23][24] His nickname for her is his "Kimmy-Cub", which she sees as a sign of affection, except when it is said within earshot of Bonnie.
Similarly, because of their close relationship, Kim often finds it hard to tell her father when he embarrasses her, or to explain how she has grown out of things that she used to enjoy, for fear of hurting his feelings.[23][24]
[edit] Mother
Main article: Mrs. Dr. Possible
Kim's relationship with her mother is given less airtime than her relationship with her father, but it is often scripted when emotional depth or conflict resolution is required, usually in relation to Kim's teenage angsts.
While Kim's father is often either oblivious to, or uncomfortable with, many of the teenage issues that Kim faces throughout the series,[24] Mrs. Possible is much more in tune with her daughter's feelings and frequently acts as an emotional anchor for Kim -- helping her to put her feelings into perspective, and reminding her that things aren't always as bad as they might seem.
Aside from helping her daughter to battle peer pressure, one of Mrs. Possible's main duties has been to help Kim to get through various issues in her friendship with Ron. Whether Kim was jealous of Ron's newfound friendship with Felix,[16] feeling guilty about ditching him in favor of Monique,[25] or was afraid that his eagerness to be accepted was leading him down the path to embarrassment,[6] Mrs. Possible was always there to have a mother-daughter moment and to provide her with sage advice.
[edit] Siblings
Main article: Jim and Tim Possible
Kim's relationship with her younger brothers - whom she usually refers to as the Tweebs - is analogous to many other TV brother-sister relationship in which there is a notable age gap that leave one side teen and the other pre-teen.
She often finds Jim and Tim to be juvenile and embarrassing, and she resents the fact that babysitting them impinges upon her social life.[26] She also frequently becomes angry at them when they invade her privacy, or attempt to embarrass her in front of her friends, by reading her diary or posting sneaked photographs of her on The Internet.[26][11][27] Despite this, she loves her brothers and goes out of her way to protect them, even if it means putting her own life on the line.
[edit] Relationships/Rivalries
[edit] Ron Stoppable
Main article: Ron Stoppable
Kim has known Ron since their first day at pre-school, and has been close friends with him ever since.
Kim and Ron have a very distinctive relationship of opposites that covers both their personalities and their natural aptitudes. While Kim is Type A teen; a perfectionist who sets high standards for herself, and who is concerned about image, Ron has Type B personality and is laid-back, ambivalent, and somewhat random. Equally, Ron does well in all of the areas in which Kim does not (for example, cooking and resisting peer pressure), and vice versa. Kim and Ron complement each other, and their relationship works well; as they head into season 4 and their senior year of high school, they have advanced from best friends to a couple.
With his more relaxed attitude toward life, as well as his flexibility and ability to see the good aspects of bad situations, Ron often provides a balance to Kim's ambitious nature and image orientated character. As such, he often encourages her to slow down and keep things in perspective, to be less competitive and not treat everything as a challenge that must be met head on, and to be less image conscious.[6][7]
[edit] Doctor Drakken
Main article: Doctor Drakken
Kim and Drakken rarely interact, but when they do, Kim tries to hurt Drakken's ego by reminding him, in various ways, how he lost the last time. Drakken has met the entire Possible clan: her mother (in Mother's Day), her father (in Attack of the Killer Bebes, So The Drama, and in college), and even her extended family (in Showdown at the Crooked D and The Golden Years). Strange interactions between them include saving Drakken's life (in Rewriting History and Cap'n Drakken) and teaming up with Drakken (in Bad Boy) and even celebrating Christmas with her imediate family.
[edit] Bonnie Rockwaller
Main article: Bonnie Rockwaller#Rivalry
Bonnie and Kim have a highly rivalrous relationship with each other. This includes frequently going to great lengths to get the better of the other.
[edit] Shego
Main article: Shego#Kim Possible
Kim and Shego's many meetings usually result in fisticuffs. However, unlike the rivalry with Bonnie, Kim and Shego are more professional in their interaction with each other, as Kim is more comfortable trading punches with Shego than dealing with Bonnie's barbed comments. Her rivalry has proven to have some sense of honor, as Shego respects Kim as an adversary, and desires to be the only one to defeat her[28]. Despite being enemies, they both have a lot in common. Shego and Kim easily managed to become very good friends when Shego temporarily turned good.[29]
[edit] Love Interests/Crushes
Over the years, Kim has had a lot of crushes. She has also been the subject of a few. Here are the many that are mentioned:
Walter Nelson: Walter has, so far, only been mentioned on the show. What is known is that Kim had a crush on him in middle school. He kissed Kim and their braces locked, leading to an embarrassing trip to the orthodontist. This is suspected to be Kim's first kiss. At least that is what Kim tells her pre-superhero self in A Sitch in Time. In Kim Possible: So the Drama, Ron mentions being the one Kim called for help because of the brace incident and that Mrs. Stoppable, Ron's mother, being the one who drove Kim to the orthodontist.
Señor Senior Junior: In Animal Attraction, Junior begins to nurse a crush on Kim when he finds out that she's his soul mate (according to Animology).
Brick Flagg: Brick thought he had a crush on Kim in All the News after Ron misquoted Kim saying that she "thought Brick Flagg was totally hot". Kim, on the other hand, only saw him as a friend. Brick "dumped" Kim after he thought Kim was "trying too hard" thinking she had staged his kidnapping by Adrena Lynn. This doesn't really count as a love interest, though.
Josh Mankey: In seasons 1 and 2, Kim was infatuated with Josh Mankey. Prior to season 3, over the course of which hints of a potential and later actual romance between Kim and Ron arose, Josh received the most adoration from Kim of all her love interests as he was the main object of her "calf love" affections. While Ron was disapproving of this relationship at first, he later grew to accept it. Kim's infatuation with Josh was revealed to have died down "last semester" in the episode Emotion Sickness, which allowed the creators of the show room for the coupling of Kim and Ron. Josh was a mellow and nonchalant young man. Some fans opine Kim and Josh would have been more interesting a pairing than Kim and Ron[30], due to their social schematics predating season 3; conversely, many fans opine the coupling of Kim and Ron was a better choice.
Hirotaka: Kim grew interested in Hirotaka (an exchange student from Japan). Hirotaka showed interest in her, at least in her martial arts abilities, but he was more interested in seeing Kim fight with her best friend, Monique, over him. He also appears to have been dating Bonnie Rockwaller all along, and refers to her as his "Number One Girlfriend".
Bobby Johnson: Kim only mentions him in The Truth Hurts. She admits that she's not sure if she likes him because she likes him, or because he asked out Bonnie first.The scene in which Kim mentions Bobby Johnson is significant, because the reporter, in said scene, inquires as to whether Kim is crushing on anyone, and, forced to tell the truth, she must answer the question sincerely, naming those she is crushing on.
Eric: Eric was a Synthodrone made by Drakken to distract Kim from the plans Drakken had formulated. While Kim had initially completely ignored, and shunned aside, Ron in favor of Eric, upon discovering he was not in fact human, Kim transferred her affections to Ron. Some fans conjecture the fact Kim did this without warning and rather abruptly is due to her having been "on the rebound" from Eric's estrangement, and that she would have instead dated anybody. Others note that Eric seems to behave like an older and more mature version of Ron, and Drakken is playing upon classic transference to render his foe an emotional wreck and facilitate her defeat. However, this is opinion, and not fact; the truth is that Kim's motives for the transference of her affections, or why Drakken suddenly seems to have such an excellent grasp of psychology for this scheme to be so effective are not known. Eric was tall, well-built, attractive, serious and incredibly convincing as a regular human being.
Ron Stoppable: Originally Kim's goofy best friend and sidekick, over time their friendship became something more and they are now a couple. The directors of the show, as stated in an interview, had chosen to couple Kim and Ron so as to impart the moral, "give geeks a chance". Kim and Ron had a very durable friendship before their romantic involvement in So the Drama. This is suspected by some fans to be a type of maxim communicating the idea a strong friendship should first precede romance. According to the series' directors, Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle, Kim and Ron are dating in the fourth season. It is believed by some fans the addition of the element of romance will be a positive thing, while some others are opposed to it, believing it may cause the show to jump the shark--a theory the creators poked fun at during the first episode of Season 4 by having Ron ask Kim if her water skiing over a shark was a dream or not, in reference to the term's origins. Schooley and McCorkle have noted the potential risk, revealing that one of the reasons they had Kim and Ron begin dating was that they had always intended to end the series that way and at the time, they thought So The Drama was going to be the last chapter of the story. However, after fans of the show lashed out at its cancellation, Disney green-lighted a fourth season, and while Kim and Ron's blossoming love has given Schooley and McCorkle a chance to do something new with the characters, they also admit the relationship has to be handled delicately to avoid turning the series stale.[31]
[edit] Fan Reaction
Although the franchise's primary focus is to be an adventure/comedy, the Kim romance/crush angle has proven to be a surprising hit among fans. [32] With audiences both reacting well to the relationship issues and themes aired in the show, and adding to them though fan-shipping (fans projecting romantic imagery onto franchise characters) in their own fan-fiction and artwork. [33]
According to the shows creators, the reaction to Kim's relationships with other characters was clearly demonstrated to them when a Disney Channel poll, held prior to kiss scene in "So the Drama", revealed that "Emotion Sickness"; an episode in which Ron is forced to address his feelings about Kim, was, by a wide margin, the most popular episode of the time. [32] After seeing the results of the poll, Schooley and McCorkle took it "as a sign" of fan approval, and used it as part of their justification for progressing Kim and Ron's relationship to the next level in the Season 3 finale, culminating in them kissing during the closing montage. In turn, this proved to be extremely popular with fans and led them to maintain and formalize Kim and Ron's boyfriend-girlfriend relationship when Disney renewed the show for a fourth season.[32]
Although the primary focus of audiences has been towards a Kim-Ron relationship, fans have also engaged in a certain amount of shipping directed at other pairings that were never fully explored in the franchise, such as Kim/Josh pairings or pairings with characters other than Kim (for example, Ron pairings). There have also been a number of less conventional fan pairs that that diverge substantially from series canon. Among the most well known of these is the Kim and Shego slash pairing (known as Kigo), which has been derived from audience interpretations and projections of series subtext) and has proven popular with fan-artists, and slash-fiction enthusiasts.[32][30] [34]
o based upon her (in both appearance and interests)
From left to right: Wade,. and Mrs. Possible, Ron, Rufus, Kim, Shego, Dr. Drakken, Monkey Fist, Señor Senior Sr., Adrena Lynn, Señor Senior Jr.
Kim Possible — The team leader, this red-haired crime-fighter who saves the world also tries to live a normal teenage life, dealing with everyday problems. She has been Ron's best friend since Pre-K, and has been his girlfriend since the night of their junior prom (Season 3). Naturally, her name makes reference to the word 'impossible.' Kim has faced many different foes and villains throughout her career. She has dealt with evil weather controlling machines, super fast growing grass and one time even being placed under mind control by her arch foe Doctor Drakken. Many of her villains also point out the clichés of villainy often saying it's old or classic. Kim's dialogue tends to be peppered with not-so-typical teen slang; for example, "So not the drama" and "No big", as well as the series' catchphrase, "What's the sitch?" (situation).
Ron Stoppable — Kim's best friend since Pre-K, partner, and now boyfriend; he also saves the world from time to time. His name is a play on the word 'unstoppable'. In one of the episodes on season 3 the show reveals by a series of flashbacks that Ron has a pants problem and can never keep his pants on.
Rufus — Ron's pet naked mole rat, considered a member of the team — in fact, he often proves to be more competent than Ron or even Kim on occasions.(When translated into Latin, Rufus means red-haired.)
Wade — The twelve-year-old super genius (completed high school and college in 8 months) who spends the majority of his time in his room (until the episode "Team Impossible" and soon after that in Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time). He runs Kim's website, supplies her with gadgets, assigns her missions, and arranges transportation for her. His last name is never revealed, though at one point in early development he was known as "Wade Load", perhaps a play on "Wide load", considering his being overweight.
Monique — A close friend of Kim. Although she has no special abilities, she has helped out on missions a few times.
See also: Minor allies in Kim Possible
Dr. James Timothy Possible — Kim's father, works as a rocket scientist.
Mrs. Dr. Possible — Kim's mother, a brain surgeon.
Jim and Tim Possible — Kim's genius but annoying twin brothers, often referred as the tweebs (twin dweebs) by Kim.
The Stoppables — Ron's family, composed of: father, mother, and adopted sister.
See also: Minor family members in Kim Possible
Recurring Villains
Dr. Drakken — The blue skinned arch-nemesis of Kim; originally "Drew Lipsky", a college classmate of Kim's father. He is obsessed with world domination, and believing and proving that he is a genius.
Shego — Drakken's hired henchwoman. She is arguably Kim's most persistent rival and perhaps even more dangerous than her boss. Her weapon of choice is her green glowing gloved hands which shoot a kind of energy beam. Originally, part of a team of superheroes known as "Team Go".
Monkey Fist — A man who is obsessed with the fighting style of Monkey Kung-Fu. His hands and feet are genetically altered resembling those of monkeys. Wherever he is, his monkey ninjas are sure to follow.
Duff Killigan — The self-proclaimed "World's Deadliest Golfer". His weapons of choice are his exploding golf balls.
The Seniors — Señor Senior, Sr. and Señor Senior, Jr. are foes who are incredibly rich. However, Jr. isn't exactly what Kim and Ron would call "dangerous". He doesn't wish to take over the world like his father wants to, Jr. only wants to be an international pop star.
Professor Dementor — A mad scientist. While he is a threat to Kim and the world, he is more determined to show up his rival, Dr. Drakken.
DNAmy — A breeder of living mutants who has a mild fetish for Cuddle Buddies. Her original aim as an evil geneticist is to make real life versions of her Cuddle Buddies, however hers are often much deadlier.
Killer Bebes — A group of hiveminded female killer robots. They were originally built by Drakken, but have since gone rogue.
Gill — The genetically-mutated foe of Ron.
Motor Ed — Cousin of Doctor Drakken. Notorious for his mullet haircut, and repetitive use of the word "seriously" at the end of his sentences. Also has a crush on Shego.
Camille Leon — Former actress and disinherited heiress, she underwent an experimental plastic surgery procedure that granted her shape-shifting powers.
See also: Minor villains in Kim Possible
Other minor characters
Bonnie Rockwaller — Kim's fellow cheerleader and rival.
Steve Barkin — Perpetual teacher of the school. It is revealed in the fourth season that he also works at "Smarty Mart".
Yori - Classmate of Ron at the Yamanouchi School and an ally of Team Possible. She has a crush on Ron, but took it well when she found out Ron and Kim were dating.
See also: Minor characters in Kim Possible Kimberly Ann Possible (usually known as Kim Possible) (voiced by Christy Carlson Romano) is the title character from Disney's animated television series Kim Possible
Kim debuted in the series opening episode in June 2002,[1] and starred in all 65 episodes of Season 1-3. She made her Season 4 debut in an episode broadcast exclusively over the Disney Channel website in February 2007, returned to Disney Channel on the 10th of February.[2]
Kim is a high school student and freelance hero/secret agent. She is mildly unusual in this field in that she has no secret identity - For the most part, her classmates are aware of her work but do not comment on it unless it affects them directly. At school, she is cast as one of the "popular kids," head of the cheerleading squad and a straight-A student, rather than as a misunderstood outsider/underdog.
Her first and last name is a take on the word "impossible". She is voiced by Christy Carlson Romano. A Disney's Behind The Ears documentary revealed that Kim's alsCharacter history
Prior to the start of season 1, Kim was an ordinary young girl leading an ordinary life. Wishing to supplement her allowance, she decided to start up a babysitting business and set up a website at "KimPossible.com", under the slogan "I can do anything", to advertise her services.
Soon after her site went live, Kim was contacted by a man named Mr. Paisley, a reclusive billionaire and stuffed animal collector from Upperton, who had become trapped in his own vault after accidentally activating a newly installed security system that had trapped him inside a grid of deadly lasers. Being a natural gymnast, Kim managed to somersault between the lasers to where the remote control was, and then deactivate them. Word of Kim's feat spread from there, leading to other people sending requests for help to her website. Ever since then, Kim has been traveling around the world as a freelance secret agent.[3][4]
Later (Season 3), it is revealed that Paisley's associate Mr. McHenry contacted Kim by accident, and that her first case was meant to have gone to "Team Impossible" - a group of high priced heroes for hire - but instead came to her due to a typo.[3] Despite this knowledge, Kim refused to become discouraged, and decided to continue in the hero business. As a result Team Impossible tried to sabotage Kim by offering free vacations to all of the people who transported her to missions, thus depriving her of her primary means of transport around the world. This scheme, however, failed when Kim, Ron, and Wade turned the tables on them.[4]
[edit] Personality
Kim is a confident and assertive teenager whose awareness of her own abilities is reflected well by her motto "I can do anything". Her typical state of mind is to be bright and cheerful, and she has a kind and caring heart that compels her to help others and to put their well being above her own, althogh she can be arrogant at times, especially when people appear to do things better than she can. Her competitive nature and drive for perfection, as well as some of her insecurities, are consistent with a Type A personality. They also lead her to set high standards for herself, and sometimes give her a tendency to be bossy and to set standards for others that are too high - as was evident when she attempted to coach her brothers' soccer team - or to try and do things herself in order to save others from potential failure or harm.[5][6][7]
Despite being a freelance hero, Kim is still a teenage girl, and is susceptible to most normal teenage insecurities and growing pains. She gets embarrassed by her parents, is pouty when she doesn't get her own way, and has a strong desire to fit in, the latter of which is often one of her biggest weaknesses.
Kim's personality traits were most clearly demonstrated when her school was hit by a fictional personality-guide fad known as animology, under which she is classified as being a blue fox: a born leader who can't resist a challenge, is driven to excel, and who is a perfectionist.[8] During the career fair at her school, Kim was drawn toward international diplomacy:[9] a demanding, extrovert field.
Kim has a tendency to be worried about - and frequently fooled by - appearance. As such, she is often overly concerned about her image and the way in which others see her, sometimes even going so far as to extend these anxieties to others (primarily Ron) even though they do not necessarily feel the same way.[10][11][6] Owing to this element of her personality, Kim has a tendency to succumb to peer pressure, something she never really manages to overcome until the very end of the third season, and she is often unable to see beyond first appearances, or deeper than other people's defense mechanisms.[12][11][13] It is this element of her personality which appears to form the foundations of much of Kim's rivalry with Bonnie, who is similarly competitive and similarly concerned about appearances,[12][13] and it is often through this rivalry that we see the less desirable elements of Kim's competitive nature in play, including incidents when she has engaged in tit-for-tat revenge or one-upsmanship, and when she has competed purely because she doesn't want Bonnie to succeed.[13][14]
Due to her type A personality, Kim also has a strong tendency to become frustrated, impatient or insecure when faced with a field in which she does not instantly excel. This tendency has been displayed several times throughout the franchise, usually in conjunction with an episode subplot or Mcguffin revolving around her social life, and is often made more notable by the fact that these fields are ones in which either the often inept Ron or the immature Tweebs excel. Examples of such fields include cooking[15] and video games,[16] car mechanics, and the duties required of her when she worked at Bueno Nacho during season 1.[10]
In addition to the recurring problems caused by her competitive personality and her weakness in the face of peer pressure, Kim has also demonstrated many of the weaknesses that have become cliché to teen-high school comedy/drama, most of which have been highlighted in individual episodes, but are not evident across the franchise as a whole. Such clichés include trapping herself in a position in which she tells an escalating series of lies in order to cover up a much smaller lie,[17] attempting to sabotage an opponent's campaign during a school election,[18] and allowing herself to be baited into angry or unwise courses of action by a rival.[19]
She is also very protective of her boyfriends or the ones she likes. She always stands up for Ron Stoppable, Josh Mankey (standing up against Ron's insults) and in the movie "So The Drama", she is more then willing to test out a very dangerous experimental suit to save her boyfriend Eric.
In So The Drama, it was confirmed by Drakken that Kim had a weakness for handsome boys, which Drakken exploited by creating the synthodroned Erik.
[edit] School
Kim is a naturally intelligent student who maintains a high GPA despite her adventurous lifestyle by using the time she spends traveling to and from missions to study, and by always making sure that she gets a handle on assignments as early as she can in case she is called away on a mission at the last minute.[20] As a result of these diligences, it is only on rare occasions that her grades suffer or that she has problems with assignments.[21] Despite her intelligence, Kim remains the least scientifically-minded member of her family, not understanding many of the terms and phrases, or inventions that her father and brothers build and use, for example, in the episode The Twin Factor, she immediately passes of her brothers invention of a handheld Silicon Phase Disruptor as a "stupid toy", or believeing that the Mind control chip in the same episode is "ferociously unethical". She also doubts her brothers' high intelligence, believing their early advancement to high school is the result of a mistake in the records, and is truly shocked when she discovers it's legitimate.
[edit] Abilities
Kim Possible cheering
Kim is extremely athletic and has excellent reflexes that have been honed through years of cheerleading practice (although in A Sitch in Time it can be seen Kim being a good fighter before being a cheerleader) , allowing her to perform death-defying moves, like somersaulting between laser beams, with little apparent effort.[3] She is also highly skilled in martial arts, knowing 16 types of Kung-Fu,[14] including Mantis Kung-Fu.[22]. Her skills are aptly demonstrated by the fact that she is able to go toe-to-toe against Shego, an older and more experienced villain whose super powers allow her to tear through reinforced concrete with ease.[17]
Kim is also a fast learner and is able to pick up new skills quickly, and adapt to new situations as they arise. Among the many talents that she has demonstrated during the series are a high level of proficiency in various extreme sports; such as hang-gliding, skiing and rock climbing, and even shuttle piloting.
[edit] Alternative Versions
Pre-K Kim
Pre-Teen Kim
Future Kim
As with many Disney Cartoons, Kim's physical appearance has remained static throughout the franchise and has not been changed between seasons to represent aging. However, several different versions of Kim have been introduced, at various points in the franchise, to represent Kim at different ages prior to her appearance in Season 1.
During the first 3 seasons, two younger versions of Kim were introduced. The first version to appear on screen was a Pre-school version, and the second was a version representing Kim in her early-teens/late-preteens.
Pre-school Kim was first introduced through flashbacks in the episode October 31st, and was later visited several times through Seasons 2-3. She made her first in person appearance in the feature length production Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time when she was targeted by a cohort of time traveling villains who sought to destroy her confidence during her first day in pre-school, in order to prevent Present Day Kim from thwarting their plans. Ironically, in an altered timeline that has since been erased, this intervention led to Kim stepping in to fight to save Ron for the first time, bringing about their first meeting outside the classroom and leading to their becoming friends.
Pre-School Kim is very similar to present day Kim, but with the addition of freckles and pigtails. When first introduced, she also lacked the confidence of her present day counterpart.
Early-teen/late-preteen Kim made her first appearance in the feature length production Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time. She was introduced when Kim's present day foes (Drakken, Shego, Monkey Fist and Duff Kiligan) traveled back through time on a mission to sabotage her first mission. Initially the villains planned to sabotage the mission in order to crush Kim's spirits; thus preventing her from ever becoming a teen hero. However, after a brief discussion, they decided to kill her instead. Early-teen/late-preteen was saved by the intervention of Present Day Kim and Ron. Due to the closing events of "A Sitch in Time", the timeline in which Early-teen/late-preteen appeared was erased, leaving Present Day Kim with no memory of meeting her past self, nor vice-versa. Since her initial appearance, early-teen/late-preteen Kim has appeared in several flashbacks, most notably during "Hidden Talent", which revealed that she was an excellent singer (but unable to hit high notes),[14] and in "Team Impossible", when the events of Kim's first mission were replayed, minus the intervention from the future (that timeline having since ceased to exist).[4]
At this point in her life, Kim is shorter and slimmer than her present-day self, and minus a bust line, but with the addition of braces. She is always shown with her hair in a ponytail.
An older version of Kim was introduced in an interactive featurette that was included in the DVD of A Sitch in Time. Little was revealed about Kim's older self, except that she was still fighting crime in her 40s, was a member of the PTA, and that she wears a patch over her left eye, ala Nick Fury. Older Kim is also shown wearing a Global Justice uniform similar to that worn by Dr. Director (who coincidentally also has an eye patch). As of Season 4, older Kim has not appeared in the series and her exact place in Kim Possible canon remains uncertain.
[edit] Family
[edit] Father
Main article: James Possible
Kim has a close, but diverse, relationship with her father. For much of the series he treats her as a mature and responsible young lady, expecting her to babysit her younger brothers, instructing her to get a part time job if she wants expensive new clothes, and accepting her going on dangerous missions without a second thought - believing that she is skilled enough to stay out of harms way. However, because of the closeness of their relationship, he sometimes forgets that she isn't a child anymore and treats her as if she were much younger, failing to see that she doesn't always enjoy doing the same things that she did when she was little, and not being able to see when his behavior might embarrass her.[23][24] His nickname for her is his "Kimmy-Cub", which she sees as a sign of affection, except when it is said within earshot of Bonnie.
Similarly, because of their close relationship, Kim often finds it hard to tell her father when he embarrasses her, or to explain how she has grown out of things that she used to enjoy, for fear of hurting his feelings.[23][24]
[edit] Mother
Main article: Mrs. Dr. Possible
Kim's relationship with her mother is given less airtime than her relationship with her father, but it is often scripted when emotional depth or conflict resolution is required, usually in relation to Kim's teenage angsts.
While Kim's father is often either oblivious to, or uncomfortable with, many of the teenage issues that Kim faces throughout the series,[24] Mrs. Possible is much more in tune with her daughter's feelings and frequently acts as an emotional anchor for Kim -- helping her to put her feelings into perspective, and reminding her that things aren't always as bad as they might seem.
Aside from helping her daughter to battle peer pressure, one of Mrs. Possible's main duties has been to help Kim to get through various issues in her friendship with Ron. Whether Kim was jealous of Ron's newfound friendship with Felix,[16] feeling guilty about ditching him in favor of Monique,[25] or was afraid that his eagerness to be accepted was leading him down the path to embarrassment,[6] Mrs. Possible was always there to have a mother-daughter moment and to provide her with sage advice.
[edit] Siblings
Main article: Jim and Tim Possible
Kim's relationship with her younger brothers - whom she usually refers to as the Tweebs - is analogous to many other TV brother-sister relationship in which there is a notable age gap that leave one side teen and the other pre-teen.
She often finds Jim and Tim to be juvenile and embarrassing, and she resents the fact that babysitting them impinges upon her social life.[26] She also frequently becomes angry at them when they invade her privacy, or attempt to embarrass her in front of her friends, by reading her diary or posting sneaked photographs of her on The Internet.[26][11][27] Despite this, she loves her brothers and goes out of her way to protect them, even if it means putting her own life on the line.
[edit] Relationships/Rivalries
[edit] Ron Stoppable
Main article: Ron Stoppable
Kim has known Ron since their first day at pre-school, and has been close friends with him ever since.
Kim and Ron have a very distinctive relationship of opposites that covers both their personalities and their natural aptitudes. While Kim is Type A teen; a perfectionist who sets high standards for herself, and who is concerned about image, Ron has Type B personality and is laid-back, ambivalent, and somewhat random. Equally, Ron does well in all of the areas in which Kim does not (for example, cooking and resisting peer pressure), and vice versa. Kim and Ron complement each other, and their relationship works well; as they head into season 4 and their senior year of high school, they have advanced from best friends to a couple.
With his more relaxed attitude toward life, as well as his flexibility and ability to see the good aspects of bad situations, Ron often provides a balance to Kim's ambitious nature and image orientated character. As such, he often encourages her to slow down and keep things in perspective, to be less competitive and not treat everything as a challenge that must be met head on, and to be less image conscious.[6][7]
[edit] Doctor Drakken
Main article: Doctor Drakken
Kim and Drakken rarely interact, but when they do, Kim tries to hurt Drakken's ego by reminding him, in various ways, how he lost the last time. Drakken has met the entire Possible clan: her mother (in Mother's Day), her father (in Attack of the Killer Bebes, So The Drama, and in college), and even her extended family (in Showdown at the Crooked D and The Golden Years). Strange interactions between them include saving Drakken's life (in Rewriting History and Cap'n Drakken) and teaming up with Drakken (in Bad Boy) and even celebrating Christmas with her imediate family.
[edit] Bonnie Rockwaller
Main article: Bonnie Rockwaller#Rivalry
Bonnie and Kim have a highly rivalrous relationship with each other. This includes frequently going to great lengths to get the better of the other.
[edit] Shego
Main article: Shego#Kim Possible
Kim and Shego's many meetings usually result in fisticuffs. However, unlike the rivalry with Bonnie, Kim and Shego are more professional in their interaction with each other, as Kim is more comfortable trading punches with Shego than dealing with Bonnie's barbed comments. Her rivalry has proven to have some sense of honor, as Shego respects Kim as an adversary, and desires to be the only one to defeat her[28]. Despite being enemies, they both have a lot in common. Shego and Kim easily managed to become very good friends when Shego temporarily turned good.[29]
[edit] Love Interests/Crushes
Over the years, Kim has had a lot of crushes. She has also been the subject of a few. Here are the many that are mentioned:
Walter Nelson: Walter has, so far, only been mentioned on the show. What is known is that Kim had a crush on him in middle school. He kissed Kim and their braces locked, leading to an embarrassing trip to the orthodontist. This is suspected to be Kim's first kiss. At least that is what Kim tells her pre-superhero self in A Sitch in Time. In Kim Possible: So the Drama, Ron mentions being the one Kim called for help because of the brace incident and that Mrs. Stoppable, Ron's mother, being the one who drove Kim to the orthodontist.
Señor Senior Junior: In Animal Attraction, Junior begins to nurse a crush on Kim when he finds out that she's his soul mate (according to Animology).
Brick Flagg: Brick thought he had a crush on Kim in All the News after Ron misquoted Kim saying that she "thought Brick Flagg was totally hot". Kim, on the other hand, only saw him as a friend. Brick "dumped" Kim after he thought Kim was "trying too hard" thinking she had staged his kidnapping by Adrena Lynn. This doesn't really count as a love interest, though.
Josh Mankey: In seasons 1 and 2, Kim was infatuated with Josh Mankey. Prior to season 3, over the course of which hints of a potential and later actual romance between Kim and Ron arose, Josh received the most adoration from Kim of all her love interests as he was the main object of her "calf love" affections. While Ron was disapproving of this relationship at first, he later grew to accept it. Kim's infatuation with Josh was revealed to have died down "last semester" in the episode Emotion Sickness, which allowed the creators of the show room for the coupling of Kim and Ron. Josh was a mellow and nonchalant young man. Some fans opine Kim and Josh would have been more interesting a pairing than Kim and Ron[30], due to their social schematics predating season 3; conversely, many fans opine the coupling of Kim and Ron was a better choice.
Hirotaka: Kim grew interested in Hirotaka (an exchange student from Japan). Hirotaka showed interest in her, at least in her martial arts abilities, but he was more interested in seeing Kim fight with her best friend, Monique, over him. He also appears to have been dating Bonnie Rockwaller all along, and refers to her as his "Number One Girlfriend".
Bobby Johnson: Kim only mentions him in The Truth Hurts. She admits that she's not sure if she likes him because she likes him, or because he asked out Bonnie first.The scene in which Kim mentions Bobby Johnson is significant, because the reporter, in said scene, inquires as to whether Kim is crushing on anyone, and, forced to tell the truth, she must answer the question sincerely, naming those she is crushing on.
Eric: Eric was a Synthodrone made by Drakken to distract Kim from the plans Drakken had formulated. While Kim had initially completely ignored, and shunned aside, Ron in favor of Eric, upon discovering he was not in fact human, Kim transferred her affections to Ron. Some fans conjecture the fact Kim did this without warning and rather abruptly is due to her having been "on the rebound" from Eric's estrangement, and that she would have instead dated anybody. Others note that Eric seems to behave like an older and more mature version of Ron, and Drakken is playing upon classic transference to render his foe an emotional wreck and facilitate her defeat. However, this is opinion, and not fact; the truth is that Kim's motives for the transference of her affections, or why Drakken suddenly seems to have such an excellent grasp of psychology for this scheme to be so effective are not known. Eric was tall, well-built, attractive, serious and incredibly convincing as a regular human being.
Ron Stoppable: Originally Kim's goofy best friend and sidekick, over time their friendship became something more and they are now a couple. The directors of the show, as stated in an interview, had chosen to couple Kim and Ron so as to impart the moral, "give geeks a chance". Kim and Ron had a very durable friendship before their romantic involvement in So the Drama. This is suspected by some fans to be a type of maxim communicating the idea a strong friendship should first precede romance. According to the series' directors, Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle, Kim and Ron are dating in the fourth season. It is believed by some fans the addition of the element of romance will be a positive thing, while some others are opposed to it, believing it may cause the show to jump the shark--a theory the creators poked fun at during the first episode of Season 4 by having Ron ask Kim if her water skiing over a shark was a dream or not, in reference to the term's origins. Schooley and McCorkle have noted the potential risk, revealing that one of the reasons they had Kim and Ron begin dating was that they had always intended to end the series that way and at the time, they thought So The Drama was going to be the last chapter of the story. However, after fans of the show lashed out at its cancellation, Disney green-lighted a fourth season, and while Kim and Ron's blossoming love has given Schooley and McCorkle a chance to do something new with the characters, they also admit the relationship has to be handled delicately to avoid turning the series stale.[31]
[edit] Fan Reaction
Although the franchise's primary focus is to be an adventure/comedy, the Kim romance/crush angle has proven to be a surprising hit among fans. [32] With audiences both reacting well to the relationship issues and themes aired in the show, and adding to them though fan-shipping (fans projecting romantic imagery onto franchise characters) in their own fan-fiction and artwork. [33]
According to the shows creators, the reaction to Kim's relationships with other characters was clearly demonstrated to them when a Disney Channel poll, held prior to kiss scene in "So the Drama", revealed that "Emotion Sickness"; an episode in which Ron is forced to address his feelings about Kim, was, by a wide margin, the most popular episode of the time. [32] After seeing the results of the poll, Schooley and McCorkle took it "as a sign" of fan approval, and used it as part of their justification for progressing Kim and Ron's relationship to the next level in the Season 3 finale, culminating in them kissing during the closing montage. In turn, this proved to be extremely popular with fans and led them to maintain and formalize Kim and Ron's boyfriend-girlfriend relationship when Disney renewed the show for a fourth season.[32]
Although the primary focus of audiences has been towards a Kim-Ron relationship, fans have also engaged in a certain amount of shipping directed at other pairings that were never fully explored in the franchise, such as Kim/Josh pairings or pairings with characters other than Kim (for example, Ron pairings). There have also been a number of less conventional fan pairs that that diverge substantially from series canon. Among the most well known of these is the Kim and Shego slash pairing (known as Kigo), which has been derived from audience interpretations and projections of series subtext) and has proven popular with fan-artists, and slash-fiction enthusiasts.[32][30] [34]
o based upon her (in both appearance and interests)
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